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Leave Entitlement

Leave Entitlement page displays a list of leave entitlements. You can filter the list on the basis of Leave Type, Entitlement, Entitlement Period, Accrual Time Type, Accrual Threshold, Is Prorated, Max Carry Forward Per Year, Carry Forward Limit, Is Other Leave, Is Consecutive, Eligible Days, From Confirmation Date, Lapsable, Lapsable Period, Lapse Days, No. Times Neg Leave Allowed, Max Neg Leave Allowed, Alt Group and Is Active.

How to create leave entitlement?

1. Click + icon. Following pop up will open.

Field Level Description

Leave Type list of leave types. You can choose one.
Entitlement (In Days) no. of days entitled for leave type.
Entitlement Period list of entitlement periods. You can choose one.
Accrual Time list of accrual times. You can choose one.
E.g. Start of Period - employee is entitled for leaves at the beginning of entitlement period.
Accrual Threshold (In Days)  
IsProrated can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether employee is entitled for leaves on pro rata basis if he joins after the start of entitlement period or not.
Max Carry Forward Per Year (In Days) max. no. of leaves employee can carry forward per year.
Carry Forward Limit (In Days) max. no. of leaves employee can carry forward.
Other Leave can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether employee can take this leave along with other leave types or not.
Consecutive can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether employee can take this leave consecutively or not.
Eligible Days no. of days after which employee is eligible to take this leave.
No. Of Times NegLeave Allowed max. no. of times negative leaves can be taken.
Max NegLeave Allowed max. no. of negative leaves that can be taken at a time.
Alt Group list of Alt groups or employee groups. You can choose one.
Is Active can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave entitlement is active or not.
From either select From DOJ (Date of Joining) or From Confirmation Date.
Lapsable can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave type is lapsable or not.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Lets take an example of a group, EmploymentType with employment type parameter. Employment Type has value Permanent. EmploymentType is linked to Leave Entitlement Policy.

Now in Alt Worklife, an employee with employment type, permanent, has entitled leaves (days) of type CL added to Current Balance under Leave > New Leave.